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Wellbeing; Indian Culture Perspective

Wellbeing; Indian Culture Perspective

There is a lot to tell you all about wellbeing from an Indian culture perspective, but here is a glimpse of what is it...
Benefits of Yoga Practice

Benefits of Yoga Practice

There are many misconceptions that you have to be flexible to do yoga, or able to do a headstand but that couldn’t be further from the true purpose.
5 Autumn & Winter Wellness Tips.

5 Autumn & Winter Wellness Tips.

Since the clocks went back at the weekend, we wanted to share with you some interesting 5 Autumn & Winter Wellness Tips.
The Positive Effect of Plants and Nature on our Lives

The Positive Effect of Plants and Nature on our Lives

Having plants at home or in the office has a noticeable positive effect on both our physical and psychological stress from mental work.
10 ways to build empathy

10 ways to build empathy

Empathy is our ability to sense other people’s emotions and understand how they may be feeling. It is about seeing things from someone else’s perspective and imagining ourselves in their position.
How to work well from home – 10 top tips

How to work well from home – 10 top tips

With an increasing number of us now working from home, and more often, we are also having to learn to embrace a whole new way of living and this can have a significant impact on our overall wellbeing.
The benefits and challenges of a neurodiverse workforce

The benefits and challenges of a neurodiverse workforce

Why today’s organisations should look for mental as well as physical diversity?
Menopause Workplace Pledge roundtable event

Menopause Workplace Pledge roundtable event

This event is going to involve representatives from organizations and women's networks who are engaged in or would like to help in addressing menopause in their workplaces.

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