5 Autumn & Winter Wellness Tips.
October 5, 2022

Since the clocks went back at the weekend we wanted to share with you 5 Autumn & Winter Wellness Tips.
Boost your immune system in flu season!
Drink plenty of water, keeps washing your hands often to prevent sickness, and eat nutritious foods. (more of this later). You might want to consider taking Vitamin C and D supplements too.
Do some “spring cleaning” in the Autumn.
A messy room is a messy mind and as many of us are still working from home its important to keep your home clean and tidy.
Stay active!
It can be easy to just sit around all the time, and it’s natural to want to hibernate and stay in all snuggly watching Netflix. However, it is important to get in some movement throughout the day. If you find it hard to motivate yourself try booking a class in advance or setting time in your diary to get some steps in during daylight hours.
Buy seasonal foods.
It is important that where you can eat seasonally and locally. Here is come examples of what is in season in the UK now (People outside the UK might want to change the foods listed in seasonal food):
• Apples
• Blackberries
• Butternut squash.
• Brussels sprouts.
• Cabbages
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Celery.
Listen to your body
The autumn and winter can cause weight gain, and the shorter days can cause low mood, and the flu season can cause sickness especially with the current climate! Please listen to your body and give it what it needs, and do not beat yourself up!
Your wellbeing Ambassadors!