
Inclusive Insights - Seasonal Affective Disorder
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Embracing Mindfulness: Cultivating Good Mental Health in the New Year
Some simple yet effective ways to approach mindfulness and promote good mental well-being

Showing Love in Thoughtful and Budget-Friendly Ways.
In this blog post, we'll explore five thoughtful and budget-friendly gift ideas.

Nourishing the Body and Mind: During the Holiday Season
Foods we consume play a crucial role in shaping our physical health and mental resilience.

Men’s health
The top 5 health issues and concerns for men and provide some insights on early identification of symptoms and practical tips for prevention.

5 Tips for Saving Money While Supporting Your Mental Health
Here are five tips to help you save money every month while also supporting your mental health

The Four Happiness Hormones: A Guide to Boosting Well-Being
At the heart of all of our joy, contentment, and feelings of love are four key hormones: serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, and oxytocin.

Body confidence: learning how to accept yourself so you can love yourself and be more comfortable in your skin.
Having body confidence and feeling comfortable in your own skin can take time and effort, but it is absolutely achievable.

Life is not a destination, but a journey
Shared by Robert Grimsey, Group Marketing Director

Part 2 - Understanding Stress and the tools and techniques to manage it effectively
Strategies for dealing with stress and the support available.

Understanding Stress and the tools and techniques to manage it effectively
Stress signs are not always easy to identify. Learn more about the tools and techniques on how to manage stress effectively.

Loving Kindness Meditation
Welcome to one of our favourite love and kindess meditations,which is based on the buddhist meta meditation. Breath in and enjoy!

Dynamic Heart Centred Practice
Today's practice is a heart-centred practice and we're going to start the practice by bringing our awareness to that sacred space at our heart centre.

Twisting Yoga Practice
This is really good for aiding digestion, squeezing toxins out of your internal organs and flushing out big emotions.

Mindful Eating Practice
Today we're going to do a mindful eating practice and this is a really lovely way for you to understand how you can bring mindfulness into your everyday life.

3 Minutes Breathing Space Meditation
Today's meditation is the three minute breathing space and this is a really beautiful meditation. It's really easy to do and you can do it anywhere anytime anyplace.

Yoga Nidra Stars Meditation
Nidra basically translates into yoga sleep and it's a very deep restorative form of conscious relaxation.

Yoga for Sleep
In this month's session we're going to do some poses that really help to promote a really nice good night's sleep.

Energy clearing meditation
Todays video shows us how to flush energy through our system.

Yoga for Energy
Today we're going to be doing a short sequence, using a combination of practices from both yin and kundalini yoga, to boost our energy levels.

Gratitude Meditation
This is a wonderful meditation to do at the end of the year when we're reflecting on what the year has brought for us.

Vinyasa flow Yoga
Today's practice is a fairly dynamic, but beginners style, vinyasa flow for flexibility and mobility.

Past & Future Meditation
Today's meditation is going to give us a chance to really connect to the present moment, to the here and now, to the only moment that truly matters.

Expanding Awareness Meditation
When we're stressed we tend to have quite a narrow field of focus.

Yoga to alleviate stress
slowing things down with a different type of yoga: the Yin Practice.

Waterfall Meditation
This a really helpful exercise to look at our thoughts and imagine them like the water in a waterfall.

Strengthen and improve your posture with this core and lower body circuit
A lower body and core workout video that is completely bodyweight focused.

Beginner's Yoga
A short 30- minute session introducing some floorwork, standing poses and salutations that are beginner friendly.

Body Scan Meditation
This type of meditation you can do lying down or sitting up. Get in a comfortable position and enjoy!

Seated Yoga
This is a chair yoga session, including a mantra and then some light body movements to help you relax.

Mindfulness of Breath Meditation
A short session on mediation of breath which helps to calm the mind.

Introduction to Mindfulness
Alex introduces and elaborates on the topic of mindfulness as “moment to moment awareness and acceptance of our thoughts, feelings and behaviours”.